90 Day Weight Loss Accelerator starts January 8. Only 10 Spots

It Doesn’t Work

I could say “Motivation doesn’t work unless you do.”

But, I’m not that guy.

I will say this.

Motivation doesn’t work at all.

I know this not only from personal experience but from working with a lot of people.

The reason why you haven’t been able to get it together and get and stay on track is because you are relying on motivation.

Motivation is great.

It can be very powerful and is usually what gets you started.

But it won’t keep you going.

Motivation fades, it’s unsustainable.

And when you’re busy and stressed or focused on something else it will leave you completely. 

The two things that will keep you on track and drive you to reach your goals is discipline and accountability. 

Accountability is always number one. We use different forms of it in the 90 Day Weight Loss Accelerator to keep you on track and make sure you keep showing up for yourself day after day. 

Discipline is grown.

You don’t start off at level 10.

You start with a little piece of discipline to build integrity with yourself and flex your discipline muscles. 

The next cycle of the 90 Day Weight Loss Accelerator starts in a few weeks. 

This is your chance to make the change you’ve wanted for years by joining a group of people who are just like you and are on a mission to forge the body they have always wanted. 

Check out the 90 Day Weight Loss Accelerator link in my bio and let’s talk about how I can help you reach your goals. 


Preferred Fitness and Recovery Item List

Supplements Charles Recommended Stack Protein Sleep Multiplier Woman’s Muilt-vitamin Men’s Multi-vitamin Greens Powder Fitness Workout Mat Jump Rope Stretch Bands Recovery Air Relax Compression Boots


Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


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