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Why I do not recommend keto

The ketogenic diet is the hot diet these days. As with any diet, there is a lot of research out there that will prove or disprove its effectiveness. I can tell you after having worked with a few hundred people on nutrition, and having done keto diets myself in the early 2000s, the keto diet does work. If your goal is to lose weight quickly over a short period of time — 3 months or less — the keto diet will get you there effectively, if you strictly stick to it.

You’re probably pretty confused now why I am saying I don’t recommend a diet that I think can be effective.

It’s because that effectiveness comes with a caveat. Having worked with hundreds of people, I have learned the best way to help people reach their goals is through a training and nutrition model that is consistent and sustainable. While keto, if done correctly, is effective, it has been very difficult for most of my clients to make it a sustainable lifestyle change, thus diminishing the true effectiveness of the diet and causing them gain back the weight they lost.  

The reason keto can be so effective is it is a drastic change from the way people usually eat, which creates a caloric deficit that speeds up weight loss. It also keeps you away from sugar and other highly processed carbohydrates, but it does not allow for much food variance or the ability to relax with friends and family at social events, which is the fastest and most typical way a diet derails. Oftentimes, once someone derails from the keto diet, or any other extremely limiting diet, they can see all of their hard work gone quickly as old habits creep back into their routine.

Everyone I have worked with on nutrition has come to me with different goals and needs. But, what has been consistent across the board is the want to look better, feel better, have more energy and be more productive. To best meet those goals, the diet I recommend is one of making small consistent changes over a long period of time — truly, a lifestyle change. The very first piece of the puzzle is to eliminate unnecessary foods and find replacements. For example, if you are a soda drinker, start by replacing your soda with something like sparkling water and drinking any coffee without added sugar.

I tell everyone the best diet is the one that works for you and that you are happy doing for the rest of your life. Nutrition takes on a different journey for everyone and the best way to find what is effective and sustainable for you is to find someone to help you stay on track, hold you accountable, and help you make small, sustainable changes that lead a healthier lifestyle long term.  

It can sometimes be daunting trying to replace family favorite unhealthy recipes with something new. To help you out, below is a great chicken recipe my wife Lauren and I have often. It’s easy to make and full of flavor.



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