Question of the day: What’s the number one thing holding you back from having the level of health and fitness you want? Without making excuses, what can you do about it today to start moving in the right direction?
All of my clients have demanding schedules. I’ve been super impressed over the last 5 years with how consistent most of them have been with their training schedules—without being fitness freaks like myself. Long hours, deadlines, and meetings can pile up, and it might feel like there’s no time left for your health. Staying fit doesn’t have to mean spending hours working out each day. Here are some strategies I’ve seen work from my super-consistent clients over the years:
1. Set Realistic Goals
- Start with manageable time frames, even 10–20 minutes. Doing something is better than nothing.
- Choose simple workouts you can complete anywhere.
- Increase duration or variety as you build confidence and consistency.
2. Schedule Your Workouts Like Meetings
- Add training sessions to your calendar just like any work event.
- Stick to these appointments as you would a client meeting.
- Communicate your schedule to coworkers or family members for support.
3. Make the Most of Small Windows of Time
- Throughout the day, incorporate quick workouts during breaks, like push-ups or squats.
- Take a brief walk at lunchtime or between meetings.
- Use short exercise bursts to maintain energy throughout the day.
4. Focus on Efficient Workouts
- Use supersets or circuit training for maximum results in less time
- Combine strength and cardio exercises to target multiple fitness areas
- Keep workouts concise to fit them into your busiest days
5. Keep Exercise Gear Handy
- Keep resistance bands or dumbbells at your workspace or home office.
- Store a foam roller in a convenient place to recover when you can.
- Reduce time traveling to a gym by having equipment ready to go, or have your trainer come to you!
6. Find Work-Life Synergy
- Turn phone calls into walking meetings when possible.
- Do light stretches or mobility exercises while reviewing documents.
- Transform passive tasks into opportunities for movement.
7. Prioritize Recovery and Sleep
- Aim for 7–9 hours of sleep to support muscle recovery and mental energy.
- Use a foam roller or do light stretches to relieve tension after long workdays.
- Remember that proper rest helps maintain consistency and prevents injury.
Consistency matters more than perfection. Even short, focused exercise sessions can improve mood, boost energy, and support long-term health. Give these tips a try, and let us know how they work for you!
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PS: Perfect is the enemy of action. It is better to stand up right now and do 20 squats than say you are going to the gym or starting a diet after New Years.
PPS: My favorite workout to do while traveling is As Many Rounds As Possible in 10 minutes: 5 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups, 15 Air squats. Easy, Simple, Fast.